Wednesday, 24 September 2014


My Mum is a fitness freak. Firstly, my mum is into a lot of sports, me and my mum got into triathlons and have been doing them ever since, we also do soccer, running, biking, swimming and this year Kiwi tag. Next to keep up with all of the sport we have to do training to get ready for the next triathlons, we do one swim a week and two  bikes a week and maybe a run. Thirdly we all try our best and we never give up when were in the middle of a race, in my first triathlon we were in 5km into the bike and I was about to stop for the day but there was a voice of my mum  telling me to not give up. So that makes my mum the a fitness freak of my family.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

PEEL Practise

Rimu is the best house in TIS because we are  hard working. First we have a lot of unique features in our house, such as computers that we learn on every day we do our writing and sometimes reading but we keep to the books when it comes to math. Second, we have the best teachers in the whole school because they push us to the limits and help us to mature, last year one of our classes had a higher test average than the smart class in Totara. Also, we work as a team with every thing we do like picking up rubbish and helping each other. We won the last years environmental award for keeping our area clean. Lastly, in the 12 hour relay we will be all working really hard to foundries for cancer and our camp to add on new features and pay the bills. As a result we are the best house in the school.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

NZ Elections

When is election day?
What hours can you vote on election day?
Stating and 9am-7pm
What date does this year’s election officially end?
Why does it there a gap between election day and when the election ends?
for people that want to vote earlier than the actual day. 
Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.

All the signs around town need to be taken down tonight at midnight

Sign-written vehicles

On your car you cant have any party stuff on the election

Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices
You can leave your sign up at their offices

Delivery of election material prohibited

No letters in mailboxes on election day

Websites and social media

Keep what you had posted before election day, but no posts on election day

Processions and demonstrations
You are not allowed to protest before 7pm, you can’t use a loudhailer

Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc
Can wear but can’t say the party name, logo

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

NZ local MPs


Which electorate do you live within?
Bay of plenty.

List the candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate.
Bay of PlentyClare WilsonTodd Muller

TaurangaIan McLean

Which candidate would you vote for and why?
Clear Wilson because she has a lot of ideas for the Bay of Plenty.

How long has the Tauranga electorate existed?
 since the 1890 election

Monday, 15 September 2014

NZ Policies

 The Civilian Party
  • Make Wellington airport safer by moving it to Christchurch.
  • Defend the traditional institution of marriage as the union between one man and one volumetric flask.
  • Reform the Justice system so that every citizen is required to prove why they shouldn’t be in prison.
  • Issue a formal apology to Australia’s aboriginal population.
  • Maintain New Zealand’s long-term commitment to free nuclear energy.

Requirements of making a party

  • An acceptable party name (and any abbreviation).
  • Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 eligible members.
  • Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
  • Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
  • An auditor (or person who has agreed to be auditor when the party is registered).
  • A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
  • Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
  • $500 application fee.

NZ rights 
  • Free medical fees for a critic cancer patients.
  • Have no  plastic bags. 
  • Help for the elderly.
  • Create more jobs for the unemployed.
  • More police out on the streets.
  • Free computers for education in schools.
  • Every body has Mondays off.
  • Free ultra-fast broadband.
  • 1,000 dollars loan for your first car.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Party policies


  • Families – Budget Families Package
I think that this is a good policy because its helping New zealand families have a brighter future, and help care for there little ones.
  • Racing
They Don't need 1 milline dollars and you can spend that on other things like education.

  • Roll out Ultra-Fast Broadband and faster broadband to all schools by 2016, providing access to the best teachers and resources anywhere in the world.
This will affect our internet because we are a multimedia class and we need fast internet for our work and education.

  • School donations

The education of our younger generation is important because without education theres no jobs.  

  • Keeping blood alcohol limits low
I don't like this because people want to have a good time when there out and partying and there not braking the law so why should they stop drinking.

  • 10 year passports
This affects me because my pass port is only 3-4 years old so I don't wont to renew when you can clearly see that I am myself, over all I think that this policy is good.

Internet Mana

  • 100% renewable energy
This is using old energy and converting it to new energy, this will help all of New Zealand with our pollution problem.  

  • Mass surveillance 
They shouldn't be able to spy on what where doing every day (unless its illegal.)  

  • Cheaper, universal Internet
This will affect my internet because my internet costs a lot of money and its still not that good.


The TPPA and will lead a campaign to stop it regardless of which parties are in the Government.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

The war

"Roger that."
"Move up boys," yelled commander, the enemy is pushing back. 
"Ahhh Im shot I'm shot" 
"Medic go to his aid!" instructively said the commander.
'"Are you okay Bob."
"Fine fine just stitch me up so I can get back out there."
"You can't your too badly hurt."
"You've fought well for your country" said the medic, "Go home and see your family." 
 "Ahh that hurts."
"Only one more stitch and you'll be on your way home."

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Rebel

I have been in Argentina for 15 years and still getting the hang of the language around here, I am in the U.S army and fighting in the war between the U.S and the rebels. My wife and best mate jack came with me to Argentina but jack came with the navy so I don't get to see him much. I couldn't go home to visit my family because I lost my pass port running to the airport, I looked every where but I just couldn't find it. So I went home to sleep on how to get another passport when I was turning my key to go into my hotel I saw a man with the rebel patch on his right arm, I quickly ran into my apartment and garbed my gun and waited and waited for the bullets to come threw the door. I unlock the door and ran to the front of the elevator but I tripped and broke my leg, I couldn't get up and along came the rebel, Bang!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Nothing I know about

John F. Kennedy
Who is John F. Kennedy?
A prime minister   

How is he famous?
He was a famous prime minister   

Where did he live?

When did he become prime minister?   
January 1961

Why did he not stay a prime minister?

Monday, 1 September 2014


I have been on the planet Pluto for over 5 million years, our once loved planet Earth was raided by the aliens of Uranus  so we were forced to move to the lonely planet Pluto. Only three of us had survived the attack, my mum Joe, and my best mate Derryn. The landing was rough and we damaged or main motor and our radar so we were flying blind, we had to leave the ship it was about to go under the ice. We walked about half a mile until we found a temporary shelter to stay and rest, we were looking for life on Pluto. We were walking and running low on food, I look down to my half ripped shoes and see a weird shadow it didn't look like mums or Derryn's we have a look behind us to make sure nothing following our footprints and trying to hunt us down and our mouths dropped, it was my dad. We all ran as fast as we could but I tripped over and fell to my face, I think that I broke my arm so I  stopped and screamed until dad was there to comfort me. I wake up in a hospital on pluto and see all of my friends surrounding me.