- What are the 2 times to use an apostrophe?
When there is a contraction
When something is related to me
- When should you use an apostrophe of possession?
When something is relating to you ( Tyler 's dog is very cute )
- Where does it go in a sentence? *
1. the children's faces are dirty
2. The Cundy's and Baldwin's boats both sank
3. Tomorrow Hannah's dance performance at Bay court
- When should you NOT use an apostrophe of possession?
When there is a word with S it might not be as you think
- When should you use an apostrophe of contraction?
when a word is combined (I'm)
- Why do we use apostrophe of contractions?
because it makes sense if you put a Apostrophe there
- Where does the apostrophe of contraction go in a contracted word?
1. I'm Tyler how are you.
2. Don't eat that it is my dog food.
3. I can go to your house today but I've got homework to do.