Monday, 31 March 2014

Short story's

Superman "HELP" I'm stuck said the little "boy don't fear superman is here" "well then help " heat vision and freed the boy

Once upon a time there was a hippo he was a ballerina. He won an award for best Hippo ballerina until he got shot by a hunter.

I couldn't stop the bleeding I rang 111 but my phone ran out of battery I had to find another way but I was too late.  

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Chinese lesson

How many Chinese characters are there altogether? Over 50,000 characters.
How many characters does an educated person know? They will now about 8,000 characters.

How old are Chinese characters? They are 5,000 years old

Why are some Chinese characters called pictographs? It's drawings of nature like the sun it involves every time and the tree.

What 2 characters join together to make ‘good’? 女 (woman) + 子 (child) = 好 (good). 

What 2 characters join together to make ‘television’?  电 with  视 = Television. 


Wednesday, 26 March 2014


photos with messages

The picture explains that the book  can go in to depth and the film can't. There's more to the world than you think. 

Every one is combined and we can share our ideas with each other. There is never a wrong in your opinion. 

It relates to different people in the same world we are all the same in ways and we can unite .   

we can always achieve better and aim for bigger things in life believe in your self. 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Kiwis rock

Matt Randall first Kiwi home in Ironman champs

Facts and Opinions

An opinion is when you have your say on something (I think that my computer is the best).

A fact is when every one agrees on something  (my dog has four legs).

Coca Cola
1. It has a lot of caffein.
2. It's fizzy.
3. It's not good for you.

1. It tastes good.
2. I like the fizz in my mouth.
3. I like it.

facts and opinions 

Monday, 24 March 2014


My favourite video game


Minecraft is a first person game but the graphics are a little different
 you fight monsters go mining and lots more  
theres also a multiplayer feature were you can go on servers and go play with your friends
it has over 14,665,098.

You can do all sorts of things like:
change you skin

and craft armour

So join us today and play

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Kia Kaha

1What is bullying

-Power and Control
-To hurt our feelings or our body

2.Types of bullying
-Pear Pressure

It's and its

Missing plane

Which airlines did it go missing with?Malaysia airlines.

When did it crash?                             Friday 8 March.

what time did it depart?                     12:41am.

what time was expected for arrival?   6:30am.

When did it lose contact?                    Between 1-2 hours after take off.

What was the name of the plane?        MH370.

How many people were on bored the plane?  239 people.

Was there any children on bored?       Not available at the moment.

Did the Navy/army join the search?     Wednesday the 18 March the FBI joined the search.

What did the family members do?        They demanded information our they will go on a hunger strike.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The fine for life jackets

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
Hawke's Bay Harbour master  Mr Norman 

2. What was the key event from the news article?
People not wearing life jackets cost them a 300 fine 

3. Where did this event take place?
Hawke's Bay New Zealand 

4. When did this event take place?
March 11 2014

5. Why did this event happen?
They weren't wearing there life jackets

6. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
Mr Norman, said that the people fined were seen putting their life jackets on only as they entered the harbour in the hope to not get caught.

7.Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article
regulations:The state of being managed  
promote: Obtain through trickery

reaction of a material when exposed to an outside force

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Too and to

To: means going somewhere ( to the mail )
Too: Too is saying also ( I love the hobbit too)

Write four sentences using too/to. Two for each meaning.

I'm going to bed.
I'm going to get fish and chips.

I love gaming too.
I have Minecraft too.

to and too game

to and too game

too and to game

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Box Method


about Heni Karamu 10 facts

1. Heni Karamu is a famous Angel
2. She married a pub owner Dinis Fowley 
3. She went with the men to defend
4. She went as a worrier not as a Woman 
5. The woman and children was ordered to leave but she didn't
6. She was very scarred for the war 
7. They had to win the war otherwise the whano would perish  
8. Just before the cannon was fired she was under main pa 
9. Timity saved Heni Karamus life.
10.Most of the soldiers ran away because of the suprise    


- What are the 2 times to use an apostrophe?
When there is a contraction
When something is related to me

- When should you use an apostrophe of possession?
When something is relating to you ( Tyler 's dog is very cute )
- Where does it go in a sentence? *
1. the children's faces are dirty
2. The Cundy's and Baldwin's boats both sank
3. Tomorrow Hannah's dance performance at Bay court

- When should you NOT use an apostrophe of possession?
When there is a word with S it might not be as you think

- When should you use an apostrophe of contraction?
when a word is combined (I'm)
- Why do we use apostrophe of contractions?
because it makes sense if you put a Apostrophe there

- Where does the apostrophe of contraction go in a contracted word?
1. I'm Tyler how are you.
2. Don't eat that it is my dog food.
3. I can go to your house today but I've got homework to do.

How to puke in space

Pros   []Cons

1. You don't get it all on you face                                                []1. The smell might still be there
2. It doesn't go all over your toilet                                               []2. Might run out of bags
3. You cant see the vomit much when you need to spew            []3.If you run out of room then you in                                                                                                           trouble

5 other things that are hard to do in space:
1. Clipping you nails
2. Crying
3. Sleeping
4. Shaving
5. Drying out your towel

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Amazing creatures

10 words
Snake eats crocodile whole. It takes 5 hours to complete.

Antalopes jump into car away from a cheater and escapees.

Monday, 10 March 2014


NFC is an application that you can use to send files web address and much more.

They send an instruction to a smart phone etc and it inters into the system and a can turn it of and open applications and lots more.

It is a new thing so it is taking awhile to come into the market but a couple of places have started to use it in shops to try and stop shop lifting schools to send web address and homework.

5 facts
1 Not capable for Apple
2 As soon as you lock it it stays with that program and no one can change it
3You can give you instructions to your phone
4There are different types of NFCs the normal one that can only have a couple of commands and then theres a bigger one that can hold lots more commands.
5 They charge by sitting next to another NFC card

The good thing about NFCs are they can do assorts of programs

There is a bad thing about NFCs you can transfer viruses.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Your and you're

a) Your and you’re are homophones. Why are they homophones?

Homophones are words that sounds the same but is spelt differently and also are used differently in a sentience.

b) Explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS! (no copy and pasting) when should we use your and when should we use you’re?

how to use you're:
You are (you're) a good friend.

how to use your:
Your book is on the table.

c) Write 3 example sentences using your and 3 example sentences using you’re. These sentences should be about YOU and your life and not be copied and pasted.

You left your bag at mi house.
Your watch is 10 minuets fast.
Your laptop is open.

You're a good basketball player.
You're very mean.
You're coming to the game. 

d) Write 2 sentences OF YOUR OWN which contain both your and you’re.

You're a big help for me and my maths.
Your book was in my bag.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

12 years a slave

12 years a slave his name was Solomon Northup he was a beautiful violin player and he was going to play at a world renown concert but then as they were leaving he got kidnapped and was taken to louisiana for the slave trade he was going to be there for 12 years before his release.

On his mind and fighting for them his family he had a young boy  and a wife he made all effort he could to get out of the trade back then if they didn’t do their work or something wrong they would get beaten he couldn’t  defend himself if he did he worst would happen.

This is an emotional movie with an Oscar to prove it winning the best picture. You can go see this film in your nearest cinema bring your tissues because you're going to need them.

my personal opinion is to support this film in anyway you can and support the actors by leaving a tweet or a facebook like.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

2014 Oscar results

12 Years a Slave won the best picture. 

Oscar winner jared leto won the best supporting actor foe Dallas Buyers Club.

Cate Blanchett won best actress in a leading roll for Blue Jasmine.

Awarding to supporting actor who have outstanding performance in motion pictures. 

Best picture, Best directing,Best costume design.

The Oscar trophy looks like an golden man holding a sword. 

 The other nonimations for best picture are American Hustle and gravity.

what i think is best dressed for The Oscars is: Emma Watson

Monday, 3 March 2014


Mum  Tyler

 Hey mum how are you?
Good how are you my sweetie did you break anything,
"No mum didn't thankfully" 
What did you do there?
Paintball and other stuff
What other stuff
Stuff i'll tell you later too tiered to talk 

Tyler  Derryn

Cant wait to dig in to breakfast this morning  
Same said Derryn
"I can smell the yummy spaghetti!" 
And the faint smell of eggs
is there eggs this morning
Must be said Derryn.    

Miss C    Tyler

"Miss C,"what am I doing for Tech
Look on your email
Oh ok.
No Im doing sowing
Hahaha "good luck with that tyler"
Im going to need it.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Camp advice

Here is some tips about camp:

  • Always have FUN. 
  • Run fast in the rabbit run. 
  • Keep your stuff together.  
  • Have a try at everything.
  • Shoot every one in paintball and don't be afraid. 
  • Don't talk when you are going to bed so you get the best out of every day.